
Building an inclusive economy starts with you. Join us for a one-year dynamic, accessible, and flexible series of courses educating women on the universe of financial investments. Local chapters meet in person once a month during the academic year. Sessions are available over Zoom and on-demand for later viewing. 


  • The psychology of money

  • Asset allocation and improving communication with your financial advisor

  • Values-aligned investing

  • Public markets overview - bonds and terminology

  • Public markets overview - indexes and terminology

  • Private markets overview - angel investing, VC funds, private equity, debt, hedge funds, real estate, terminology

  • Angel Investing 101 and what it means to be an LP

  • Deal terms, SAFE, convertible note, SPV and tax implications explained

  • Life cycle of a private company case study; Angel Investor, VC, Private Equity panel 

While all topics will be covered in this series, the order, date and names of presenters may change.


“In a few short months, I’ve learned more than I did over two years in business school. The speakers are so knowledgeable and impactful, and each session is so powerful - from financial fundamentals to investing strategies you simply never see unless you’ve done 100 deals. I’m grateful to be part of this incredible group of women.”

Stanford Business School graduate, investor, repeat brand builder

"It’s like when you have friends and you can’t remember their kids names but it’s way to late to ask- that’s how I feel about finance terms. Women Abundance Collective gave me a space to ask. The materials were presented in an accessible way and contextualize with real world examples that make it so much more interesting and applicable. The members come from such different backgrounds and levels of experience yet we all feel comfortable being part of the conversation and asking questions no matter what level of experience we have."

Full-time mom/family manager, husband and friends in finance

“I have been so inspired by being in community with women in a perpetual state of learning, sharing, listening and taking action. I truly believe the world will be a better place if more women are active participants in this space because it is shaping the future of how we all live our lives. I’m so thankful for Women Abundance Collective introducing me to so many other women intentionally allocating their capital to create meaningful change. It has been an incredible space for me to reflect on my own person investment thesis not only of where I’m investing my money but also my time and networks.”

Angel investor, advisor, mom of three 

"I wholeheartedly recommend the Women's Abundance Collective, a dynamic platform that demystifies alternative asset classes and the language of financial markets through access to leading finance experts. My experience with the collective has been transformative. The series of classes convenes thought leaders and offers a fast track to understanding complex financial concepts. The organization fosters a serious, business-focused environment where each member actively contributes to enriching discussions. Thanks to WAC, I've swiftly applied new knowledge to my work sitting on the board of a family foundation. Specifically, during interviews with finance firms, I was better prepared to assess potential partners and formulate strategic approaches thanks to the insights gained through WAC. In essence, the Women's Abundance Collective is more than just an organization; it's a catalyst for professional and personal growth in finance. I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone looking to deepen their understanding of alternative asset classes and make meaningful contributions in their professional endeavors."

Philanthropic investor for her family office

"Joining WAC has been an eye-opener for me. Although I have been in the financial markets for over 20 years, I have tended to focus on a specific segment of the industry. Through their insightful courses and workshops, I've gained invaluable knowledge and confidence in diversifying my investments. I now have such a stronger understanding of what questions to ask when doing diligence on VC funds as an LP. This financial educational platform not only provides comprehensive resources but also fosters a supportive community of like-minded women. WAC has reinforced how as women we should embrace the journey of lifelong learning as it opens doors to new opportunities."

Hedge fund manager, LP, angel investor